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Saturday, 26 October 2013

Classroom Management Tips

Source : Florida Education Association , readingrockets.org


These tips on how to keep your classroom running smoothly have been gathered from teachers around the world.
As soon as possible try and learn the names of your students. It not only helps in managing your class better, but also tells them how much you care for each one of them. What you get in return is the grateful affection and respect of the students, which is the greatest reward a teacher can get!!
Noreen Mirza
Lecturer/Trainer, Teachers Training Institute
Rawalpindi, Pakistan

If a child is stealing all the time, it could be because a need is not being met. Could it be because they have no ownership of anything in their lives? Think about the underlying reasons for some of the misbehavior and try to think of solutions to meet the need. The child in my class stealing quit when I gave him something special to own. This is hard to describe here. Talk to your Guidance Counselor for help.
Beth Weatherstone
Vero Beach, Florida

To motivate my students to hand in homework on time, I choose a secret word such as wonderful. Every day that the entire class hands in homework, they get one letter of this word on the board. When the word is completed, the class decides how they want to celebrate. Their ideas are listed and we vote on a celebration plan.
Judy Zelenda
Schuyler, Nebraska

Students earn "class compliments" when visiting another class, walking in the hallway, etc. When 10 compliments are earned, I give extra recess! The class compliments are posted inside our front door. Use a cut out of your school's mascot (or stars, etc.). (If a principal gives the class a compliment, they earn 2!)
Cindy Marrero
West Melbourne, Florida

To help with pencil sharpening problem; have each child sharpen three pencils at the start of each day. This will eliminate the problem of them getting up during their work.
E. Malcolm
Ft. Pierce, Florida

To avoid congestion when passing out something that everyone might need, split up the item into different parts of the room. For instance, if you need everyone to grab a clipboard, put them in three different places around the room.
Cindy Walker
Stuart, Florida

Always, always, always make your classroom rules known the first day. I write a "memo" to each student concerning discipline, homework policy, grading criteria and extra credit and hand it out on the first day of class. Those who still have the handout at the end of the semester or year get 10 points extra credit!
Art Busch
Ocala, Florida

When giving a consequence, make sure you get "The Oh No! Look" from the student, or else the punishment may not be effective.
Chris Gulotta
Tallahassee, Florida

Always take care of misbehavior with the LEAST amount of disruption to the lesson!
Chris Gulotta
Tallahassee, Florida

Encourage your children to mind rules and treat other respectfully by holding a weekly "goody drawing." Throughout the week, catch children in the act of doing something good - helping a classmate, cleaning up the room, being polite, etc. Have them write down what they did along with their name on a slip of paper, and place it in the jar. On Friday, draw a few names out for prizes - and next week start over again!
Saginaw, Michigan

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